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Washing Machines
Deriveting Machines
Blaster Machines
Paint System
BMS Paint
Riveter Machine
BMS Rivets
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The Industry Standard for Heavy Duty Truck Brake Shoe Rebuilding

BMS the supplier of choice for the goods and services we proudly provide...

Today, BMS machines are the accepted standard for heavy-duty truck brake shoe rebuilding. Innovations from BMS have enabled truck brake shoe shops to produce product faster, cleaner, more safely, and of far better quality than previously available. Our machines have increased the labor output from 20 shoes per person per day to 120 shoes per person per day (in a well-run shop), while improving quality and appearance. An additional benefit is the elimination of hazardous waste issues and ensuring a safer working environment for employees.


To provide the truck brake shoe industry
with demonstrably superior machinery,
supplies and service. Be "the system guys."




GripRite™ rivets
Rebuilt brake shoes
BMS paint